711 W Springfield Ave, Urbana IL 61801
Zarbuck Chiropractic Clinic
Zarbuck Chiropractic Clinic     217.328-3348


About Us

Todd - Palmer Chiropractors in Urbana, IL
Dr. Parker Todd Zarbuck is the son of Dr. Merwyn Zarbuck, who practiced for over 55 years at this clinic. Dr. Todd was an honor graduate of Life College of Chiropractic in 1988. He has flourished as an astounding chiropractor at both the Urbana clinic and at our Arthur office. Dr. Todd is currently a district  delegate for the Illinois Prairie State Chiropractic Association (IPSCA) having served as President in the past. He has been honored as Illinois Chiropractor of the Year!
Diana - Palmer Chiropractors in Urbana, IL
Our office manager is Diana Bender, she handles all insurance and is licensed to take X-rays. Diana has been employed since 1980 and has also experienced health improvements under chiropractic care. She can answer many questions about our type of health care through her personal observation of the results patients have received at Zarbuck Clinic. Ms. Bender will also help you find out the Chiropractic benefits available with your health insurance.
December, 2023 Celebrating 75 years of Zarbuck Chiropractic
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